Child Rights & the Environment


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Global Initiative on Advancing Children's Right to a Healthy Environment Launched!

Project Dryad is partnering with the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment, UNICEF, UN Environment, Terre des Hommes, Child Rights Connect and the Global Child Forum to launch a Global Initiative on Advancing Children’s Right to a Healthy and Sustainable Environment.

The initiative is intended to convene children, youth and other key stakeholders around the world in order to deepen understanding of the links between children’s rights and environmental issues, to collect and disseminate best practice, and to advocate for greater recognition of this fundamental right and tangible action at the international, regional and national levels.

The initiative will consist of a series of regional consultations between 2019 and 2021 and is expected to culminate in a global expert meeting to deliver a “Declaration on Children’s Right to a Healthy Environment”, in addition to a compendium of best practices, an online ‘one-stop shop’ for information, resources and tools on child rights and the environment, and follow-up activities at the regional level.

The first consultation will take place in Bogota, Colombia from 2-3 May 2019 for the Latin America and Caribbean region. Participants will include children and youth, Governments and regional organisations, UN agencies, and non-governmental organisations.

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Joni Pegram