Child Rights & the Environment


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Consultation on child rights and the environment opens for East Asia Pacific region

Project Dryad was delighted to open the East Asia Pacific regional consultation on advancing children’s right to a healthy environment in Bogor, Indonesia, taking place from 22-24 October 2019.

The expert meeting brought together almost 100 participants, including children from across the region and stakeholders from government, UN agencies and other international organisations, National Human Rights Institutions, academia and local, national and regional civil society. The intergenerational dialogue provides a unique opportunity for decision-makers to hear directly from children - many of whom come from marginalised communities - on the key environmental challenges they face, and their priorities, while promoting children’s right to be heard.

The outcome report, videos and images of the meeting can be accessed here.

The regional consultation was the second to have taken place under the Children’s Environmental Rights Initiative (CERI), which is being conducted under the auspices of the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment, Professor David Boyd. Project Dryad co-leads the CERI Secretariat, alongside Terre des Hommes.

Joni Pegram